洛阳路通LTS208H全液压压路机的优点有:1. 全液压系统:采用全液压系统驱动,不需要使用传统的机械系统,更加灵活方便,操作简单,提高了工作效率。2. 高效率:采用双驱动鼓轮设计,行驶速度较快,能够快速完成压实作业。3. 高质量压实:配备大直径、大宽度的鼓轮,减少了对路面的损坏,能够均匀压实,提高路面的稳定性和强度。4. 调节方便:采用液压行走系统,可实现前后行走的调节,可以根据工作需要随时调整机器的位置,适应不同的压实要求。5. 舒适性好:采用人性化设计,驾驶室宽敞舒适,配备空调和悬挂座椅,减轻了驾驶员的疲劳感,提高了工作效率。6. 可靠性高:采用进口先进的液压元件,具有良好的耐用性和可靠性,减少了维护和保养的需求,降低了使用成本。7. 环保节能:采用先进的柴油发动机,具有低噪音、低振动的特点,同时具备较低的油耗,符合环保节能的要求。8. 安全性:配备多重安全保护装置,能够保护驾驶员的安全,并提供良好的操作保护和紧急停止功能。
The advantages of Luoyang Lutong LTS208H full hydraulic road roller include: 1. Full hydraulic system: driven by full hydraulic system, it doesn't need to use the traditional mechanical system, which is more flexible and convenient, easy to operate, and improves the working efficiency. 2. High efficiency: with the design of double-driven drum wheels, the driving speed is faster, and it can complete the compaction operation quickly. 3. High-quality compaction: equipped with the drum wheels of large diameter and width, it reduces the damage to the road surface, and improves the stability and strength of road surface. 4. damage to the road surface, and it can be evenly compacted to improve the stability and strength of the road surface. 4. Convenient Adjustment: Adopting hydraulic traveling system, it can realize the adjustment of front and back traveling, and it can adjust the position of the machine at any time according to the working needs to adapt to the different compaction requirements. 5. Good Comfort: Adopting humanized design, the driver's cab is spacious and comfortable, and it is equipped with air-conditioner and suspension seat, which reduces the driver's fatigue and improves the working efficiency. 6. 6. high reliability: adopting imported advanced hydraulic components, with good durability and reliability, reducing the need for maintenance and upkeep, and lowering the cost of use. 7. environmental protection and energy saving: adopting advanced diesel engine, with low noise and vibration, and low fuel consumption, in line with environmental protection and energy-saving requirements. 8. safety: equipped with multiple safety protection devices, able to protect the driver's safety, and provides good operation protection and emergency stop function.